Profilbild von Marc Coordt
Marc Coordts Profil

Über mich

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Top 3 Trends

Profilbild von Marc Coordt Marc Coordt

I'm intelligent. Some people would say I'm very, very, very intelligent. Trump
— Sep 7, 2022, 8:22:44 PM

Profilbild von Marc Coordt Marc Coordt

“I would bet if you took a poll in the FBI I would win that poll by more than anybody’s won a poll.” Trump
— Sep 7, 2022, 8:21:26 PM

Profilbild von Marc Coordt Marc Coordt

I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. Trump
— Sep 7, 2022, 8:19:58 PM

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